"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:4-5

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I love christian music. It always inspires me and encourages me, and also helps me to think of things in a different light. Through life we experience lots of different seasons; seasons we don't even know we will experience. Currently, my husband and I are in a big waiting season. There are lots of things we are in waiting about, but at the fore front is waiting for God to renew Brandon's health. He has been through alot, and has handled all of it with great courage and bravery, and I am constantly amazed and inspired by him and also how God is taking care of us. There are times when we feel very content, and are able to find peace that God is in control and he will continue to lead and guide us through this new journey of marriage, and health together. But sometimes, and I'm currently experiencing it this week, I am having trouble finding peace in that. But right when I feel like my peace is leaving, I pray a little harder and remember God's word and his promises that never leave, and he sends me a little trinket to fill a need.

Trinket # 1 he has sent me just this week, was a listening ear and it was such a huge encouragement. A friend of my mine came to me this week, and just told me how much Brandon and I had been on her heart and said she was praying for us, and it felt so good to just share in where we are in our journey right now.

Trinket # 2 I have this little boy in my class. When I found out he was in my class this summer I was mortified, and there are some days I am thinking "What in the world!" But most of the time, I am heartbroken for this little boy, and his mom. I am heartbroken that I think she is really is starting to try and be a good mom the best way she knows how, but nobody has ever shown her how to. Somehow God connected us, and has given us a good relationship and allowed for there to be moments of guidance. But this little boy, trusts me, and knows that I have his best intentions at heart and he doesn't trust people or that people can have his best interest at heart before their own, because most of his life his mom hasn't. And I just think, God thanks for that trinket to let me be that for this little boy, and let him see your love. Even though sometimes I don't respond the way that I should.

Trinket #3 Laughter. Brandon and I have great friends through our bible study and through our Sunday school class, and through others that have already been in our paths. We always have the best laughs with them, and it is good for the soul!!!

All this to say, God knows what you need and he will and is giving it to you!! Sometimes in small bits, and then sometimes the waiting is over and you get a full circle moment and see what God was doing all along. I am so thankful!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekend of Firsts

This year has been a year of "firsts". Now, some of the firsts that I have experienced this year have been a lot of good ones and some have been some hard ones. But this weekend I experienced some firsts that reminded me of the simple things in life, and to enjoy every minute of it!! Let me share a few with you!!
  • Our first REAL snow as a married couple, and really in my adult life. Before we realized that it was snowing this is what our Thursday night looked like, Brandon was watching "Paranormal Activity", and let me tell you I do not like scary movies. So I sought refuge in our bedroom. When I say refuge I mean, locked both of our bedroom doors, and had the pillows surrounding my ears trying my hardest not to hear any of the movie. Amidst all of this we realized that it was snowing, so we ran out and played in it for awhile, and then drove around just enjoying seeing everything covered in white. It was so exciting!!!

This is us playing out in the snow. I look like a little kid in a candy store, I'm not sure if Brandon shared the same level of excitement as I did.

  • Onto the next first. Waking up to a winter wonderland!!! The next morning due to how much it snowed overnight, school was cancelled and I woke up to a beautiful sight of white!! All of this white surrounding me, gave me a surge of excitement and all my worries left for the day!! It was wonderful!! I instantly went looking for some kids in my class to play in the snow with!! My wonderful co-teacher came over and we went to one of our students houses to ask him to come play in the snow. What a memory!! I don't think there are many kids who could say their teacher came to their door and asked them to play in the snow. I wish I could live everyday that fully in the moment, and not having a care in the world!! Here are a few pictures from our memorable day.

  • My final "first" moment of the weekend was snow day with my niece and nephew. Brandon and I went to Rockwall for the weekend to celebrate his upcoming birthday, and my dad's birthday. I treasure my family, and love every moment I spend with them. Having a niece and a nephew and becoming an Aunt is something that has really shaped me since they have come into my life. I love seeing my sister as a mom, and seeing my family interact as great grandmother, grandmother, grandfather, and uncle and aunt. It is such a neat relationship, and it helps you see how your parents legacy gets carried down to a new generation. This weekend my brother had the idea of "sledding" down a nearby hill for Cale. It was HILARIOUS. Cale was so brave and loved every minute of playing with "Uncle D." At one point we even got little Ryan in on the action.

So as I am sitting here on this Sunday night, reflecting on the weekend and thinking of the looming Monday morning, I have one lesson learned. Be Present!! You never know, if you will ever get a chance to experience that moment again, or interact with the same people again. So by fully present in each moment God has given to you and be thankful and joyful!! So this week, as my mind and body will be pulled in 50 different directions, I am going to do my best to be present in the moment and try to make the impact God is calling me to make. So THANK YOU Lord, for such a great weekend!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

To Many Blessings.....

Many times I have seen or heard of people blogging and thought, what is the big deal? Why does everyone like to blog so much?? Well, a few of my friends have started blogging, and I must say, I really enjoy reading them. As a newly wed, a teacher and many more things, alot is going on in my life, and in my husbands life as well. God has been so good to us, and continues to be, and is teaching us new things all the time. I hope to use this blog to glorify him in what he is teaching us, and to bless other people by this, and of course to amuse some people to, as well as myself.
"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:4-5